It took me a long time to write this. I mean, literally, years in the making. Fear stopped me. First things first, I must apologize to you for not doing this sooner. We all have something in us that is not just for ourselves. We should share. I loved writing. I love writing. My writing was blocked. For a very long time. I have hurts from the past that I have not gotten over. If I am really honest, I held myself back. I didn’t think that I could do this. These past few weeks leading up to this day, I pretty much said to myself, “yes, I’m going to do this.” “I have to do this.” “No one is going to read it.” “I will run out of things to say.” “No, I’m definitely going to go for it.”
I am in awe of so many people who have done and are still doing great things. I know people who are literally doing AMAZING things. Inside of me, I feel like there is something. But somehow, for some reason, I can’t seem to get out of my own way. Out of my own head. All I know is, I just love to share. I love people. I love to see happy, smiling people.
So here I am. Writing. Sharing. Hoping to make you smile, laugh or feel like you are not alone.
My biggest takeaways about me going for it, simply pushing through the fear:
Are there areas where fear has prevented you from moving forward?
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